Processes under control
SimPlan Group expands consulting spectrum
SimPlan AG expands its service portfolio by acquiring a stake in Dr. Schniz GmbH. The Munich-based consulting company complements the SimPlan Group’s consulting spectrum with its know-how in the field of process management. Process management optimizes company processes, creates transparency in the company and improves customer loyalty. Top-class seminars on process management will be held in Munich in the new year.
Process optimization, simulation and digital factory are among the core competencies of SimPlan AG. A strategic investment in Dr. Schniz GmbH, which specializes in process management, now adds an essential component to SimPlan AG’s service portfolio.
Munich-based Dr. Schniz GmbH has been advising leading companies in the automotive, chemical and financial services industries on the analysis, modeling and optimization of business processes since 1998. The consulting concept ranges from process analysis to the development and introduction of key performance indicator systems for the control of business processes.
Decisions need a foundation
Today, more than in the past, companies are forced by intense competition to constantly improve the quality of customer service. All products and services of a company are created through processes. Process management creates the framework for success through transparency, measurement of process performance and continuous, overarching improvement of processes.
In order to explore unused potential, identify risks and make viable decisions, managers need meaningful information from the company. This is where the services of the Hessian company come in: SimPlan analyzes corporate processes, makes them transparent, assesses their adaptability and develops suggestions for improvement. With the help of simulation technology, current and planned processes can be presented clearly and changes can be tested before they become reality and influence company processes.
Process management in practice
Process management can be defined as the application of structured methods to describe the current and future needs of both the company’s purpose and its customers, to define the current and target state of the company, to develop goals and strategies for implementation, and to create a management system for continuous improvement of company processes.
Current developments prove the necessity for companies to deal with process management. One example: The Basel Capital Accord (Basel II for short) envisages linking banks’ capital adequacy requirements for loans to the creditworthiness of borrowers in the future. The rating procedures used to measure risk class increasingly include aspects of corporate management and risk transparency in addition to financial variables. A documented process management system is a major plus point for a company on its way to a favorable rating and the approval of loans.
Areas of application for process management
Current developments prove the necessity for companies to deal with process management. One example: The Basel Capital Accord (Basel II for short) envisages linking banks’ capital adequacy requirements for loans to the creditworthiness of borrowers in the future. The rating procedures used to measure risk class increasingly include aspects of corporate management and risk transparency in addition to financial variables. A documented process management system is a major plus point for a company on its way to a favorable rating and the approval of loans.