Specialist articles & conference papers
Please note that some articles are only available in German language (GER).
No author given
In: Wirtschaftsraum Hanau-Kinzigtal 05/2024
Keywords: simulation solutions, digital twin
Fikar, C. (University of Bayreuth); Johansson, B. (Chalmers University of Technology); Beyer, K. (SimPlan AG); Auf der Landwehr, M. (Hochschule Hannover)
In: Wenzel, S.; Rabe, M.; Strassburger, S.; Viebahn, C. (ed.): Energy-Related Material Flow Simulation in Production and Logistics, p. 141–178.
Keywords: production, logistics, simulation
Dynamic scheduling of gantry robots using simulation and reinforcement learning
Zisgen, H., Miltenberger, R. (both University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt); Hochhaus, M., Stöhr, N. (both SimPlan AG)
In: Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference
Keywords: WinterSim, Industrie 4.0
How an AI learns from its digital twin (GER)
Wortmann, D.
In: IT&Production 12/23
Keywords: digital twin, AI, KISPO, reinforcement learning
Data as an image: Digital twins can be used to map and analyse real objects and processes. Potential that is also useful for HR managers.
Pesch, U., Wortmann, D.
In: Personalwirtschaft 11_2023
Keywords: Digital twin
Integration of an SAP transport control system in a simulation environment to support decisions in operational management (GER)
Galka, S.; Schmid, F. (OTH Regensburg); Grasser, D.; Hohm, J. (beide Flexus AG); Stauber, S. (SimPlan AG), Meißner, S. (Fachhochschule Landshut)
In: Bergmann, S.; Feldkamp, N.; Souren, R.; Straßburger, S. (Hrsg.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023 (13.09.2023), p. 281-291.
Schlagwörter: Produktion, Logistik, Simulation
App-based modelling and simulation of value streams with SimVSM (GER)
Forstner, R., Stauber, S. (both SimPlan AG)
Tutorial at ASIM symposium: 13-15.09.2023
Keywords: SimVSM, lean, value stream
Manufacturing and Logistics Use Cases on Combining Discrete Event Simulation and Process Mining (GER)
Mayer, G., BMW AG; Spieckermann, S., Stöhr, N., both SimPlan AG; Özkul, F., Wenzel, S., both University of Kassel
In: Bergmann, S.; Feldkamp, N.; Souren, R.; Straßburger, S. (Hrsg.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023 (13.09.2023), p. 155-165.
Keywords: SimProve, Process Mining, ASIM
Integration of Simulation and Reinforcement Learning for Gantry Robot Control (GER)
Miltenberger, R.; Zisgen, H. (both Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences); Hochhaus, M.; Schmidtpott, J. (both SimPlan AG); Bind, B. (Fibro Läpple Technology GmbH)
In: Bergmann, S.; Feldkamp, N.; Souren, R.; Straßburger, S. (Hrsg.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023 (13.09.2023), p. 145-154.
Keywords: Kispo, gantry robot, ASIM
Value Stream Repair Using Graph Structure Learning
Wrzalik, M.; Eversheim, J.; Villmow, J.; Ulges, A.; Krechel, D.; Spieckermann, S.; Forstner, R. (2023). Value Stream Repair Using Graph Structure Learning.
In: Fujita, H., Wang, Y., Xiao, Y., Moonis, A. (eds) Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Theory and Applications. IEA/AIE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13926. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36822-6_2
Keywords: SimVSM, value stream, lean
When a digital twin is helpful in intralogistics (GER)
Wortmann, D.
In: Plastverarbeiter 5/23
Keywords: digital twin, logistics
Virtual commissioning at S. Oliver – Reducing real effort in advance (GER)
Wortmann, D., Ludwig, T.
In: IT&Production 5/23
Keywords: virtual commissioning, logistics
Simulations Solutions and Applications for complex one-of-a-kind production processes based on STS libary
Steinhauer, D.
At: Winter Simulation Conference
Keywords: STS library, Plant Simulation, simulation of shipbuilding
Digital Twin in Intralogistics: Simulating and Optimizing Transport Systems (GER)
Wortmann, D.
In: IT&Production 10/22
Keywords: digital twin, intralogistics
[Simulation before implementation – innovation that builds trust]
S. Hertling
In: Logistics Manager 02/22, S. 92-93
Keywords: digital twin, virtual project launches
Benefits Process Simulation for Production and Logistics in Central and Eastern Europe
S. Hertling
Keywords: digital twin, virtual project launches
26. ASIM Symposium Simulation Technology, 25.7.-27.7.2022, TU Wien
Özkul, F.; Sutherland, R., Wenzel, S.; Jessen, U.; Spieckermann, S.; Breitenecker, F.; Deatcu, C.; Durak, U.; Körner, A.; Pawletta, T.
In: ASIM Notification 180, S. 39-48.
Keywords: ASIM 2022, Simulation technology, simulation biology
Digital traffic model as a decision support system for the introduction of electric buses and refuse collection vehicles in Hanau (GER)
Becker, J.; Schocke, K.; Löw, G.; Galaske, N.; Spieckermann, S.
In: Straßenverkehrstechnik 6/2022, p. 434-440
Keywords: simcitynet, research, electric buses
Simulation of the use of electric vehicles in Hanau
– Potential analysis for the implementation of alternatively powered buses from the research project SimCityNet (GER)
Becker, J.; Löw, G.; Schocke, K.; Spieckermann, S.; Schulte, T.
In: DER NAHVERKEHR 4/2022, p. 27-32
Keywords: simcitynet, research
Manufacturing Execution Systems
Mönch, L.; Spieckermann, S.
In Roth, S.; Corsten, H. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Digitalisierung, 2022, Vahlen, München, p. 543-566.
ISBN 978-3-8006-6562-4
Keywords: MES, simulation, sequence planning system, developments
The Digital Value Stream Twin
In: Journal for Economic Factory Operation, February 2022
Keywords: Simulation; Aftersales Services; Service Economy; Value Stream Analysis; Digital Twin
Simulation of Energy and Media Demand of Batch-Oriented Production Systems in the Beverage Industry
Sustainability 2022, 14(3), 1599
Authors: Raik Martin Bär, Sebastian Schmid, Michael Zeilmann, Joachim Kleinert, Karsten Beyer, Karl Glas und Tobias Voigt
In: Sustainability 2022, 14(3), 1599, 29. Januar 2022
Keywords: modeling; simulation; energy and media demand; validation; brewing industry
Digital Twin to design and support the usage of alternative drives in municipal vehicle fleets
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, S. 17-28, 16.09.2021
Authors: Spieckermann, S., Becker, J., Henrich, M. und T. Schulte:
In: Bertram, T. (Hrsg.): “Automatisiertes Fahren 2021 – Vom assistierten zum
autonomen Fahren 7. Internationale ATZ-Fachtagung”, Springer Vieweg,
Description: This paper describes a research project conducted in conjunction with the Hanauer Straßenbahn GmbH (HSB), serving as urban operator of public bus transportation in the city of Hanau, and with the Hanau Infrastuktur Service (HIS), operating the garbage collection trucks in the same city. The aim of the project was to develop digital twins for the vehicle operations of HSB and HIS and to use these twins to evaluate future scenarios of fleets consisting of differently powered vehicle types. The paper describes the current situation at HSB and HIS, the development of the digital models, and provides some results.
Keywords: Digital Twin, Public Vehicle Fleets, Fuel Cells, Batteries
Simulation of Energy and Media Demand of Beverage Bottling Plants by Automatic Model Generation
Sustainability 2021, 13,10089
Authors: Raik Martin Bär, Michael Zeilmann, Christoph Nophut, Joachim Kleinert, Karsten Beyer, Tobias Voigt
In: Sustainability 2021, 13,10089, 9. September 2021
Keywords: bottling; modeling; simulation; energy and media demand; validation
Ein unternehmensübergreifender Standard für Logistiksimulation mit grafischer Prozessmodellierung
ASIM Expert conference 2021
Authors: Kristina Sokoll, AUDI AG, Ingolstadt (Germany), Philipp von Braunschweig, Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg (Germany), Linda Gustafsson-Ende, BMW Group, München (Germany), Frank Hilmer, SimPlan AG, Hanau (Germany)
Keywords: ASIM, Logistics simulation, automotive, OEM, process simulation
Developing an integrated solution for data farming and knowledge discovery in simulation data
ASIM Expert conference 2021
Authors: Jonas Genath, Sören Bergmann, Niclas Feldkamp, TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Sven Spieckermann, Stephan Stauber, Simplan AG, Hanau
Keywords:: ASIM, Data Farming, Industrie 4.0, Data mining
Simulate operating processes
Technische Logistik 06/2021
Description: Description of the behavior of a plant component can already be defined in the CAD system and transferred directly to the simulation software Emulate3D.
Keywords: Emulate3D, CAD, Simulation, Plant component, Software
Peter Königsreuther:
Leisere Produktionshuttles optimieren Verpackungsprozesse
Maschinen Markt, Vogel Communications Group
Description: Effektivität von Fertigungen im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes
Keywords: Verpackungstechnik, OEE, Fertigung, Verpackung, Assistenzsystem, Simulation
Dirk Steinhauer:
Ab in die Digitale Werft
Digital Engineering Magazin S. 48-49, 07-2020
Description: Ablaufsimulation im Schiffbau – Unterstützung von Werftplanung und Produktionsplanung
Keywords:Simulation, Schiffbau, Wert, digital
Simone Göttlich, Sven Spieckermann, Stephan Stauber & Andrea Storck:
Data-driven graph drawing techniques with applications for conveyor systems
Springer Open, Journal of Mathematics in Industry volume 10, Article number: 24., 02 October 2020
Description: The visualization of conveyor systems in the sense of a connected graph is a challenging problem. Starting from communication data provided by the IT system, graph drawing techniques are applied to generate an appealing layout of the conveyor system. From a mathematical point of view, the key idea is to use the concept of stress majorization to minimize a stress function over the positions of the nodes in the graph. Different to the already existing literature, we have to take care of special features inspired by the real-world problems.
Keywords: Graph drawing, Numerical methods, Simulation study
Steffen Hertling:
CAD und Anlagensimulation wachsen enger zusammen
Autocad & Inventor Magazin, Win-Verlag, Ausgabe Nr. 5 August/September 2020
Description: Dieser Artikel beschreibt eine neue Technologie, die nun die Kinematisierung der Konstruktionsdaten direkt im Inventor erlaubt.
Keywords: Simulation, CAD, Emulate3D, Kinematisierung
Hartmut Stadtler Hamburg, Sven Spieckermann Hanau & Jonas Schreyögg Hamburg:
Simulation der Intensivkapazitäten in Krankenhäusern für Covid-19-Patienten
Ausgabe August Nr. 69 OR News Das Magazin der GOR
Description: Dieser Artikel stellt eine bessere Planbarkeit durch ein stochastischdynamisches Simulationsmodell in Ausnahmesituationen, wie die Belastung der Intensivkapazität für Covid-19-Patienten, dar.
Keywords: Krankenhaussimulation, Covid-19, Ausnahmezustand, Kapazitäten
Thorsten Hildebrandt:
Modern Aspects of Cyber-Security Training and Continuous Adaptation of Programmes to Trainees,
Artikel vom 17.08.2020
Description:Diese Studie kombiniert pädagogische Praktiken und Cyber-Sicherheitsmodellierung in dem Versuch, dynamisch anpassungsfähige Ausbildungsverfahren zu unterstützen.
Keywords: Simulation, Security Training, Cyber-Security
K. Beyer, Prof. Dr. Hennig :
Mut zur Zusammenarbeit, Schluss mit der Abschottung – Packaging 4.0
360° Packaging, Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, Ausgabe 02/2020, Kapitel: Innovation Frankfurter Gespräche
Description: In diesem Fachartikel diskutierten sieben Experten aus namhaften Unternehmen der Verpackungsbranche Packaging 4.0
Keywords: Packaging, Verpackungstechnik, Verpackungsmaschinen, Digitalisierung, Herstellungsprozesse
D. Wortmann (2019):
Wertstromanalyse in Zeiten von Industrie 4.0 und Digitalisierung
IT&Production, TeDo Verlag GmbH, Ausgabe 06/2019
Description: This article presents a joint simulation project with Datron in the field of value streams.
Keywords: SimVSM, value stream analysis, IT&Production
D. Wortmann (2019):
Simulationslösungen für Produktions- und Logistikprozesse – Von der Simulation über die virtuelle Inbetriebnahme zum Digitalen Zwilling
IT&Production, TeDo Verlag GmbH, Ausgabe 06/2019
Description: Simulation in the area of production and logistics
Keywords: SimPlan AG, Digital twin, Simulation
D. Wortmann (2019):
Konzept zur Simulation und virtuellen Inbetriebnahme – Modelle in kurzer Zeit
AUTOCAD & Inventor Magazin, WIN-Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, Ausgabe 4/19
Description: Commissioning of individual plants – Emulate3D
Keywords: SimPlan AG, Emulate3D, Simulation
R. J. Scherer, N. Trung Luu, and P. Katranuschkov (TU Dresden); S. Spieckermann and I. Habenicht (SimPlan AG); and B. Protopsaltis and T. Pappou (FIDES DV-Partner GmbH): Towards a multimodel approach for simulation of crowd behaviour under fire and toxic gas expansion in buildings
2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018, pp 3965-3976
Description: This paper describes the simulation of evacuations from buildings during fire and noxious gas propagation and was developed within the framework of the iSiGG research project.
Keywords: WinterSim, iSiGG, evacuation simulation
H. Bury, S. Spieckermann, D. Wortmann and F. Hübler (2018):
Simulation of railway fleet maintenance
2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018, pp. 2851-2860. doi: 10.1109/WSC.2018.8632392
Description: This paper presents a joint simulation project in the area of railway fleet maintenance management.
Keywords: WinterSim, Alstom, railway
Dr. I. Habenicht (2018):
Simulation of a coal lading port
Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference
M. Rabe, A.A. Juan, N. Mustafee, A. Skoogh, S. Jain, and B. Johansson, eds.
Description: This case study considers the simulation of a coal lading port in order to determine which extensions are needed based on expected capacity demands.
Keywords: WinterSim, coal lading port, TAKRAF
R. Schlitt (2018):
Die Simulanten für alle Fälle
Hanauer Anzeiger 6/2018
Description: Das Hanauer Unternehmen SimPlan AG simuliert im Computer Menschenströme ebenso wie Abläufe in einer Lagerhalle
Keywords: SimPlan, digitalisation, Simulation, material flow simulation, flows of people
Dr. T. Fechteler (2018):
Kollaborative Materialflusssimulation
IT&Production 6/2018
Description: Firmenübergreifend die Lieferkette optimieren
Keywords: Material flow simulation
M. Mahr (2018):
80. Geburtstag des IKAGründers – Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hennig!
PackReport 4/2018
Description: Anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens der SimPlan AG und des 80. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Hennig fand ein Kundenevent in den Räumlichkeiten der Dresdner Niederlassung statt.
Keywords: SimPlan, Simulation service provider, packaging simulation,
Diverse Autoren, u.a. D. Steinhauer, Dr. I. Habenicht (2018):
Hocheffiziente, digitale Produktionsplanung für Prototypenkompetenz
Schiff und Hafen 4/2018
Description: HEPP-Projekt – zur Erhaltung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Werften im Segment Spezialschiffbau
Keywords: SimPlan, Simulation service provider, process simulation, HEPP
D. Wortmann (2018):
Startup Benjamin und SimPlan kooperieren in der Umsetzung der fluiden Logistik
www.it-logistik-bayern.de, 01/2018
Description: Fluide Logistik ermöglicht einen flexiblen Materialfluss und eine kompakte Lagerung.
Keywords: SimPlan AG, Fluid Logistics, Benjamin GmbH
T. Hildebrandt (2017): Towards adaptive simulation-based optimization to select individual dispatching rules for production control
Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference
Description: Due to the increasing complexity of contemporary production scheduling problems, it is generally not possible to calculate nearly optimal production schedules in an acceptable amount of time.
Keywords: Simulation, adaptive simulation-based optimization
Dr. S. Spieckermann (2017): Wertstrommodellierung und -simulation im Zeichen von Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0
http://www.zwf-online.de, 12/2017
Description: Eine App zur Produktionsoptimierung.
Keywords: SimPlan, SimVSM, MobiSim
A. Knips (2017): Kundentage zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum
Wirtschaftsraum Hanau-Kinzigtal, 04/2017
Description: 2017 feiert SimPlan 25-jahriges Firmenjubiläum
Keywords: SimPlan AG, Jubiläum
T. Hildebrandt et al. (2017): Adaptive PPS durch simulationsbasierte Optimierung
wt werkstattstechnik online, 4-2017, Seite 288-292.
Description: Selektion geeigneter Prioritätsregeln basierend auf Echtzeitinformationen einer Werkstattfertigung.
Keywords: PPS (Produktionsplanung/-steuerung), Simulation, Fertigungsplanung
C. Block, B. Kuhlenkötter, T. Frank, U. Burges (2017): Online-Materialflusssimulationen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in der PPS
productivITy, Ausgabe 22, 2017/1.
Description: Agentenbasierter Ansatz zur Vernetzung vorhandener IT-Systeme zum autonomen Datenaustausch.
Keywords: Agentenbasierte Simulation, Forschungsprojekt SOPHIE, PPS
U. Burges et al. (2016): Agent-based communication to map and exchange shop floor data between MES and material flow simulation based on the open standard CMSD
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 49, Issue 12, 2016.
Description: Presentation of a method to parameterize a simulation model with real-time shop floor data collected by an MES. The approach uses autonomous agents based on JADE as system connectors.
Keywords: MES, Production, JADE, Agent-based simulation
N. Höppe, F. Seeanner, S. Spieckermann (2015): Simulation-based Dispatching in a Production System
Journal of Simulation 1-6
Description: Simulation-based production planning and -control, using the example of a laser welding facility
Keywords: Production planning, Production control, Software development
T. Fechteler, K. Gutenschwager (2014): Die Landkarte zeigt, wie gut es funktioniert
IT&Production 09/2014
Beschreibung: Supply Chain Management mithilfe von Simulationsanwendungen.
Schlagwörter: SCM, SimChain
O. Markschläger, M. Flögerhöfer (Drees & Sommer, 2014): Engpässe erkennen und beseitigen
AUTOCAD & Inventor Magazin 3/14
Beschreibung: Personenstromsimulation für den Neubau einer Betriebskantine.
Schlagwörter: Personenstromsimulation, AnyLogic
H. Niessner, P. Rachinger (2014): Unterschiedliche Simulationstechniken im Praxis-Einsatz
WINGbusiness 1/2014
Schlagwörter: Ereignisorientierte Simulation, Agentenbasierte Simulation, System Dynamics, Verkehrssimulation
Prof. Dr. K. Gutenschwager (HS Ostfalia), Dr. T. Fechteler (SimPlan AG), Prof. Dr. M. Rabe & M. Sari (TU Dortmund, 2013): A Data Model for Carbon Footprint Simulation in Consumer Goods Supply Chains
Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference by R. Pasupathy, S.-H. Kim, A. Tolk, R. Hill, and M. E. Kuhl, eds.
Keywords: Supply Chain Simulation, WinterSim, CO2–Efficiency
I. Habenicht, Dr. Sven Spieckermann (SimPlan AG), et al. (2013): Simulation in Manufacturing Planning of Buildings
Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference by R. Pasupathy, S.-H. Kim, A. Tolk, R. Hill, and M. E. Kuhl, eds.
Keywords: Construction site simulation, WinterSim
R. Bleifuß (SSI Schaefer Noell GmbH), S. Spieckermann (SimPlan AG), S. Stauber (SimPlan AG, 2012): A Case Study on Simulation and Emulation of a New Case Picking System for a US-Based Wholesaler
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference by C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, A.M. Uhrmacher, eds.
Keywords: WinterSim, Emulation
T. Bogon et al. (2012): Towards Assisted Input and Output Data Analysis in Manufacturing Simulation: The EDASIM Approach
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference by C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, A.M. Uhrmacher, eds.
Keywords: WinterSim, Manufacturing
K. Gutenschwager (HS Ulm), A. Radtke (SimPlan Integrations GmbH), S. Völker (HS Ulm), G. Zeller (SimPlan AG, 2012): The Shortest Path: Comparison of Different Approaches and Implementations for the Automatic Routing of Vehicles
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference by C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, A.M. Uhrmacher, eds.
Keywords: WinterSim
M. König (Ruhr-University Bochum), I. Habenicht (SimPlan AG, 2012): Intelligent BIM-Based Construction Scheduling Using Discrete Event Simulation
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference by C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, A.M. Uhrmacher, eds.
Keywords: WinterSim, Construction Scheduling, Mefisto
M. Rabe (TU Dortmund), A. Horvath (TU Dortmund), S. Spieckermann (SimPlan AG), T. Fechteler (SimPlan AG, 2012): An Approach of Methods for Increasing Flexibility in Green Supply Chains Driven by Simulation
Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference by C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, A.M. Uhrmacher, eds.
Keywords: WinterSim, Supply chain simulation, Energy effiziency
M. König (Ruhr-University Bochum), I. Habenicht (SimPlan AG), S. Spieckermann (SimPlan AG; 2011): ON-SITE LOGISTICS SIMULATION IN EARLY PLANNING PHASES
CONVR2011, International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, 2011
Description: Data preparation for simulation projects
Keywords: Sitesim, Logistics simulation
G. Mayer (BMW Group), S. Spieckermann (SimPlan AG; 2010): Life-cycle of simulation models: Requirements and Case Studies in the Automotive Industry
Journal of Simulation 4/10, 255-259
Keywords: Automotive Industry
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. J. Meyer (TU Berlin, 2009) et al.: Wireless and autonomous Agriculture Documentation System
Wireless Congress 2009: Systems & Applications, 10/2009
Description: Research project to develop a simulation solution for use in agriculture
Keywords: LaSeKo research project
M. Rabe, S. Spieckermann, S. Wenzel (2009): Verification and Validation for Simulation in Production and Logistics
SNE Simulation News Europe, ARGESIM, Volume 19 Number 2, August 2009
Keywords: V&V, ASIM
M. Rabe (Fraunhofer IPK), S. Spieckermann (SimPlan AG) and S. Wenzel (Universität Kassel) (2008): A New Procedure Model for Verification and Validation in Production and Logistics Simulation
Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference by S. J. Mason, R. R. Hill, L. Mönch, O. Rose, T. Jefferson, J. W. Fowler eds.
Description: Verification & validation of simulation models
Keywords: WinterSim, ASIM
M. Schulz, S. Spieckermann (2008): Logistics Simulation in the Chemical Industry
Engell, S. (Hrsg.) “Logistic Optimization of Chemical Production Processes”, Verlag Wiley-VCH, S. 21-36, 01/2008.
Keywords: Logistics, Processing industry.
Business Magazine (2002): Simulation saves money and unpleasant surprises
Business Magazine, published Jan./Feb. 2002, p. 67
Description: Computer simulation of logistic flows and processes
Keywords: Warehouse, Logistics, Production
S. Spieckermann, H. Heinzel, K. Gutenschwager, S. Voß (2000): Simulation-based Optimization in the Automotive Industry: A Case Study on Body Shop Design
SIMULATION 75:5 12/2000, p. 276-286
Description: Case study on simulation in the automotive industry
Keywords: Automotive, Production, BMW
K. Gutenschwager, S. Spieckermann, S. Voß (1998): Order sequencing in an Automated Warehouse System
Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference 02/1998
Keywords: Warehouse, Logistics, Order sequencing