anyLogistix: a multi-method simulation tool for supply chain optimisation
anyLogistix is a unique software for supply chain and logistics simulation. As the currently only multi-method software for supply chain optimization, network design and analysis, it combines traditional analytical optimisation approaches with the innovative simulation technology developed by AnyLogic.
Analytical optimisation: the supply chain is modelled as a series of formulas and equations. This method will give quick results, but it won’t show the whole story.
Simulation: allows you to consider all of the details and specific traits of your supply chain elements. Not only will you be able to visualize network operations but also trace every process inside.
Every supply chain is unique – capture yours!
No programming knowledge is necessary to use anyLogistix. The software combines six powerful simulation methods that help to capture all details of a supply chain. The methods can be used and combined in any manner within the same simulation model. This allows you to capture the specific details of any supply chain and get quick and reliable optimization results.
- Include any restriction – describe restrictions as they are. Do not spend your time trying to “translate” them into formulas.
- Model any behavior – every supply chain is unique and comes with unique characteristics. Simulation with modeling allows you to capture the singularities at every level of detail.
- Uncertainty and risk analysis – simulation modeling technologies of anyLogistix allow you to capture the random behavior of your network, which means evaluating and reducing risks.
- Visualisation – your model is not a black box. Having it animated allows you to visually see how the model is working, giving your results credibility. In addition, it allows you to trace and solve problems in the model yourself, without having to call the support team.
- Change the network design, ordering and transportation policies yourself to check what-if scenarios, test sensitivity of your supply chain to environment changes
- Ultimate flexibility – quickly amend and extend the behavior of supply chain elements in anyLogistix or using AnyLogic Professional to add more details to the model.
Step-by-step optimisation for optimal results
Imagine your company is expanding into a new market in another country and you need to determine where to begin to adapt your supply chain. Using anyLogistix you begin with analytical methods only knowing the centers of demand. However, this allows you to discover new potential warehouse locations using anyLogistix Greenfield analysis and analytical network optimization. After you uncover where to locate warehouses, you utilize this data to build a detailed supply chain simulation model.
In the model you consider order generating rules, inventory strategies, sourcing, transportation policies, capacity, etc. All the details allow you to determine the best way to organize your supply chain organization and discover how it should function.
With anyLogistix, you are able to optimize your network using a step-by-step methodology allowing the results of each step serving as an input for the next one. This hierarchy approach provides you with the ability to use the most suitable techniques for each task to achieve the optimal results.