Fast commissioning through emulation: Testing control software on a simulation model
SimPlan presents new solution for software testing at LogiMAT 2004
SimPlan AG will present a new approach for shortening commissioning times at LogiMAT 2004 in Stuttgart. For this purpose, the control software of a plant is already tested on a simulation model before commissioning. This saves time-consuming tests in real operation and reduces the risk of malfunctions.
SimPlan AG in Maintal has developed a procedure that enables data exchange between the control software for plants and a simulation model of the respective plant. In this way, the higher-level software can be tested even before commissioning. In the process, the model simulates the behavior of the real plant exactly. In this way, potential problem areas can be identified and eliminated at an early stage. The quality of the software is increased and ineffective troubleshooting on the construction site is avoided. This saves time and costs.
Communication between the warehouse management or material flow computer, i.e. the control computer, and the simulation model takes place via interface software developed by SimPlan. This is able to process different protocol and telegram formats. Thus it can be used flexibly.
Since the tests are carried out independently of the real plant, it is possible to generate and exactly repeat situations within minutes. The control software can thus also be tested under extreme conditions, such as overload. The processes in the interaction between the control level and the physical level are thus optimized.
In addition, planned changes can be tested in this way parallel to ongoing operation without risk.
In initial applications, this form of software testing has significantly shortened the commissioning times of the control software and reduced the overall effort.